This page contains answers to common questions handled by our support staff, along with some tips and tricks that we have found useful.

1.  How do I create a desktop shortcut?

You can right mouse click on most icons and choose "Send to Desktop (create shortcut).

2.  My system tells me updates are available, what should I do?

In most cases you are safe in applying Windows Critical Updates.  However, we do not recommend applying these on a server without testing first.

3.  Why doesn't Windows shutdown?

This can be a number of things, we generally recommend running a "Disk Cleanup" from your Accessories folder to remove temporary files no longer needed.

4.  Should I upgrade to Windows 10?

This is totally dependent on your current hardware speed and capacity.  Please call before attempting to upgrade a production system.

5.  I keep getting black streaks on my page when printing, what causes this?

In most cases the printer is in need of maintenance or periodic cleaning.  Sometimes a simple drum or toner cartridge replacement fixes the problem.